In order to use Buttonwood, a tenancy must be created for your organisation.
A tenancy is an instance of the Buttonwood platform, which links together:
- Buttonwood Central
- Buttonwood Automate
Tenancies must be created by Buttonwood. When requesting a tenancy, please provide the following information in the Buttonwood Tenant Configuration Workbook:
- Organisation Name - Legal name of the organisation
- Organisation Address - Business address of the organisation
- Sign-on Domain - the tenancy will be configured with a unique sign-on domain, additional domains can be added which users will use to log in to the Buttonwood (eg.
- Business Contact - Business sponsor for the organisation
- Administrative Contact - Technical sponsor for the organisation (this user will be created as the first administrative account for the tenancy)
Once Buttonwood has created the tenancy, the Administrative contact will be emailed an activation link. The Administrative contact will be the person responsible for activating subsequent users to the platform.
Next Steps
Refer the Buttonwood Central Getting Started Guide for steps to get started.