The Deployments page lists all service catalog items and blueprints associated to the selected account which have been deployed using Buttonwood Automate.
- Administrative access to Buttonwood Central with Insights role
Viewing Deployments
This section describes the steps required to view deployments which have been discovered by Buttonwood Central.
Procedure Steps
- Login to Buttonwood Central
- Navigate to Insights > Deployments
- Click View or the name of the deployment
Deployment Overview
The Overview tab provides a summary of the selected deployment.
Top Section
This section provides a summary of spending for the deployment, including:
- Deployment date
- Deployment status
- Lease Expiry
- Spending profile
Middle Section
This section provides a view of the spend and breakdown of the deployment by resource.
Bottom Section
This section provides a list of resources which form the deployment.
Deployment Details
The Details tab provides an overview of the selected deployment.
Deployment Tags
The Tags tab displays the tags which are currently assigned to the selected deployment. It also allows tag values to be edited or removed.
Refer to the article Insights Tags for detailed steps required to manage tags.
Assigning Tag Values
- Click Add
- On the Add Tag Value screen, provide the following information:
- Tag Name: Select the name of the tag to add
- Tag Value: Value assigned to the tag for the deployment
- Click Save
Additional Operations
The following operations can also be performed on this screen:
Function | Description |
Edit |
Edit an existing tag's value |
Delete |
Remove a tag |
Deployment Resources
The Resources tab lists all the resources associated with the selected deployment.
Additional Operations
- Click View or the resource name to drill further into resource details.
Deployment Charges
The Charges tab lists invoice line items associated with resources under the selected deployment.
Additional Operations
- Use the filter toolbox to present only charges that are of interest.
- Click Export to extract line items to file
Deployment Notes
The Notes tab can be used to enter comments against the deployment.
Adding Notes
- Click Add
- On the Add Note screen, provide the following information:
- Importance: The note can be marked as high importance if appropriate - marking a note as high importance will enable a badge against the Notes tab indicating the number of high importance notes
- Content: Note content in plain text format
- Click Add
Additional Operations
The following operations can also be performed on this screen:
Function | Description |
Edit |
Edit an existing note |
Delete |
Remove a note |
Deployment Event Log
The Event Log tab is an informational screen which displays system activity related to the deployment.