This article describes the steps required to manage users in Buttonwood Central.
Users are added to Buttonwood Central to allow access to the platform. Users may also be assigned roles to perform financial governance or system administration tasks.
An organisation may choose to manage users entirely within Buttonwood Central, or alternatively, connect to an external Identity Provider Service (IDP) such as Azure Active Directory.
- Administrative access to Buttonwood Central
Viewing Users
This section describes the steps required to view users which have been created in Buttonwood Central.
- Login to Buttonwood Central
- Navigate to Manage > Users
- Click View or the user's name to manage the user
Adding Users
This section describes the steps required to add users to Buttonwood Central.
These steps are required in the default configuration where Central is used as the Identity Provider (IDP). Please refer to the relevant article which describes the steps required for supported external identity providers:
When users are added to Central, an email is automatically sent to the user's specified email address with instructions to activate their account and set their password. If the user doesn't have access to email, a mobile phone number can be provided to be sent the activation link via SMS text message.
Users can be added manually, or imported via a CSV file.
Adding Users Manually
- Login to Buttonwood Central
- Navigate to Manage > Users
- Click Add
- On the Add User screen, enter the following information:
- First Name: The user's given name
- Last Name: The user's surname
- Username: The username the user will use to log in - the domain portion of the login username is a drop down list of configured custom domains
- Email: The user's email address
- Mobile Phone: The user's mobile phone number
- Click Create
- A message indicates the status of the request
- The user is created in an Awaiting Activation state and an activation email is sent to their configured email address
- The user will be required to click on the Activate your account link from their activation email to set their password
- If required, the following options are available for users in the Awaiting Activation state:
- Resend Activation Email
- Send Activation SMS
Importing Users
- Login to Buttonwood Central
- Navigate to Manage > Users
- Click Import
- Populate a CSV file with the following information
- FirstName: The user's given name
- LastName: The user's surname
- Username: The user's login for Buttonwood Exchange (excludes the login domain)
- Email: The user's email address
Note: A sample CSV file is available to download from the import screen
- On the Import Users from CSV file screen, drop the CSV file into the designated area or browse for the CSV file containing the user information
- Confirm that the data was correctly imported from the CSV file
- Click Import
- A status message will confirm the status of the import
- Each user is created in an Awaiting Activation state and an activation email is sent to their configured email address
- Each user will be required to click on the Activate your account link from their activation email to set their password
- If required, the following options are available for users in the Awaiting Activation state:
- Resend Activation Email
- Send Activation SMS
Removing Users
This section describes the steps required to add users to Buttonwood Central.
These steps are required in the default configuration where Central is used as the Identity Provider (IDP). Please refer to the relevant article which describes the steps required for supported external identity providers:
Users who are cost centre owners or budget managers cannot be removed. Their cost centres and budgets must first be assigned to a different user. The user can be deactivated if cost centres and budgets are to remain with the user.
Procedure Steps
- Login to Buttonwood Central
- Navigate to Manage > Users
- Select the user(s) to be deleted
- Click Delete Selected
- On the Delete Users prompt, confirm the correct user(s) is being deleted
- Click Delete
- A message confirms the status of the request
- The Delete option is also available under each user's menu
User Details
The Details tab displays general details for the selected user.
Additional Operations
The following operations can also be performed on this screen:
- Reset Password: Sends a password reset email to the user's configured email address
- Edit: Modify the user's details
- Deactivate: Disallow the user from logging in to the system (all cost centres and budgets managed by the user remains)
Note: Budgets which have policies configured for spending approval may have deactivated users set as the budget manager. Any approval requests will sit in a pending state until a new budget manager is nominated and approves the request, or a system administrator approves the request.
User Roles
The Roles tab allows an administrator to assign and manage a user's role.
Roles define the features and functions of Buttonwood Central which a user has access to. A user must have at lease one role assigned. By default, users are created with the User role.
Buttonwood Central roles are described in the following table.
Role | Description |
Administrator | Grants the user administrative permissions across the entire tenancy |
Manager | Grants the user administrative permissions to tasks associated with the governance of cost centres and budgets, as well as management of users and applications |
User | Grants the user permissions to access assigned applications as well as any cost centres or budgets that they own |
Insights | Grants the user permissions to configure service provider bill ingestion and access billing analytics |
Additional Operations
The following operations can be performed on this screen:
- Edit: Modify the user's roles
User Applications
The Applications tab lists the corporate/marketplace SaaS applications which are currently assigned to the selected user, and allows an administrator to add or remove access to applications for the user.
Additional Operations
The following operations can also be performed on this screen:
- Add: Assign additional applications to the user
- Delete: Removes access to the application from the user
Note: If API Integration has been configured and enabled for an application, the Add and Delete operations will also allocate and deallocate licensing to the user directly against the SaaS provider.
User Budgets
The Budgets tab lists the budgets which the selected user has been assigned as a consumer of.
Additional Operations
The following operations can be performed on this screen:
- View: View details of the selected budget
User Cost Centres
The Cost Centres tab lists the cost centres which the selected user is assigned as the owner.
Additional Operations
The following operations can be performed on this screen:
- View: View details of the selected cost centre
User Groups
The Groups tab lists the groups which the selected user is a member of.
Additional Operations
The following operations can be performed on this screen:
- Add: Add the user to additional groups
- Delete: Remove the user from groups
User Jobs
The Jobs tab lists any user account actions which have been run for the selected user.
Job history is stored for 30 days.