This article describes the steps required to configure Variable Sets.
- Administrative access to the Broker UI
- Creation of Variable Sets
Accessing Variable Sets
This section describes the steps required to edit a Variable Set.
Procedure Steps
- Log into the Broker UI as an administrative user
- Navigate to Admin > Settings
- Select the Variable Sets tab
- Click the Variable Set name, or the View button
The Details tab lists basic information about the selected Variable Set.
Variables are the placeholders that can change depending on the values assigned to them during a deployment. The values assigned to Variables is defined in Value Sets.
This section describes the steps required to add Variables to a Variable Set.
Procedure Steps
- Within the Variable Set page, select the Variables tab
- A list of existing Variables is displayed
- Click Add
- On the Add Variable screen, provide the following information:
- Name: A name for this variable
- Label: A short label for the variable
- Type: The Variable data type, as one of the following:
- String
- Select
- Boolean
- Password
- Text
- Integer
- Decimal
- Mandatory: A checkbox indicating whether the variable must have a value
- Default Value: A default value for the variable if no values are assigned
- Description: A descripion for the variable
- Click Add
- The Variable has been added
Value Sets
Value Sets define the scope and value to assign to Variables within the Variable Set.
The scope defines when its set of values are assigned to the variables. Multiple Value Sets can be defined within a Variable Set containing different scopes and values.
This section describes the steps required to add Value Sets to a Variable Set.
Procedure Steps
- Within the Variable Set page, select the Value Sets tab
- A list of existing Value Sets is displayed
- Click Add
- On the Add Value Set screen, enter the following information:
- Name: A name for the Value Set
- Scope Rule: The triggers for this Value Set
- Values: The values to assign to the variable when scope rules are matched
- Click Add
- The Value Set has been added
Permissions allow for Variable Set owners to control access to the Variable Set. By default, all users of the system are granted permissions to use the Variable Set but will not have permissions to make any changes to the Variable Set.
Click each of the Permissions (Consume/Manage) to toggle whether the listed user/group is allowed/denied the selected action.
Click Add if other users/groups require access.