This article describes the steps required to manage custom domains in Buttonwood Central.
When a Buttonwood tenancy is created, it is assigned a unique <organisation> logon domain. Administrators can add additional organisation-owned domains to the tenancy to provide a smoother sign-on experience to users.
Administrators can also configure Buttonwood Central to utilise third-party authentication providers for single sign-on and perform user synchronisation with external identity providers for the configured custom domains.
- Administrative access to the Buttonwood Central
- Access to check an email mailbox within the domain being added
Viewing Custom Domains
This section describes the steps required to view customs domains which have been created in Buttonwood Central.
Procedure Steps
- Login to Buttonwood Central
- Navigate to Manage > Custom Domains
- A list of existing custom domains is displayed
Adding Custom Domains
This section describes the steps required to add custom domains in Buttonwood Central.
Procedure Steps
- Login to Buttonwood Central
- Navigate to Manage > Custom Domains
- Click Add
- On the Add Custom Domain screen, enter the domain to be added
- Click Add
- On the Email Verification Code screen, enter and email address which is able to receive emails to the added domain - a verification email is sent to this address
- Click Send
- A verification email is sent to the email address specified
Verifying Custom Domains
This section describes the steps required to verify added custom domains in Buttonwood Central.
Custom domains are not active until they are verified. As part of the verification process, an email is sent to a selected email address at the domain. The email contains a code which is used to verify access to the domain.
Procedure Steps
- Login to Buttonwood Central
- Navigate to Manage > Custom Domains
- If a verification email was not previously received, use the Email Verification Code option to resend the code
- Click Verify
- Use the verification code from the email to verify the domain
- A message indicates the status of the request
Configuring Single Sign-On (SSO)
This section describes the steps required to configure single sign-on for custom domains in Buttonwood Central.
Single Sign-On enables organisations to perform identity management from a single source of truth and streamlines the management of password for users.
With single sign-on is configured, when users enter their username into the Buttonwood Central login screen, Central will recognise that their domain is configured for sign sign-on will redirect to the external identity provider to log in, instead of being authenticated directly by Buttonwood Central.
Note: With SSO configured, users are still prompted to set a local password when activating their account in Buttonwood Central. This password is used if organisation administrators turn off SSO for a domain.
The following articles detail the configuration steps required for each supported third-party identity provider:
Removing Custom Domains
This section describes the steps required to delete custom domains in Buttonwood Central.
Procedure Steps
- Login to Buttonwood Central
- Navigate to Govern > Cost Centres
Note: Budgets can also be edited by navigating to Govern > Budgets - From the drop down menu, select Delete
- On the Delete Custom Domain confirmation prompt, click Delete
- A notification indicates the status of the request